How to Set Up Your Office at Home by eco friendly multi purpose usable fibre cement board

How to Set Up Your Office at Home

We are living in a time where working from home has become a common scene. It provides benefits to the employer and even more for the employee, giving them the flexibility of setting their own schedule. Not having to travel far distances especially when the traffic woes in the cities are far from getting solved, is a big big plus. However, working efficiently from home requires an office like the setup to bring more productivity. Here’s how you can make the most of your ‘work from home’ time and become a pro at it.

Make a list of your office essentials

Working from home, as comfortable as it might sound, does not come without a lot of prepwork. The more time you invest in planning, the less time you will waste struggling. Before claiming a particular space as yours, first identify what all things you require around you while you are working at home and make a list of them with a pen and paper. The typical things include a Power Supply with an inverter backup, Reachable power points, a computer or a laptop, internet connection, a printer, a connected telephone, a desk, furniture and a chair or two. The needs may vary according to your profession. For example, if you are an online content writer, your priority would be a laptop, a desk, a chair and preferably soundproof wall panels for solace. But if you are a consultant, you may require an additional cabinet with locks, preferably made of a fire resistant board, to store your important papers and files. In this way, you can identify your requirements and plan accordingly.

Identify the right space to set up your cabin

Once you have jotted down your requirements in writing, it is time to identify the right corner of your house which will become your potential office. It could be a space in your drawing room, or your living room or whatever space is available. To carve a separate identity for your office space, consider building partitions using fibre cement boards. Why fibre cement board you may ask, well that’s because they are easy to install, light in weight, fire-resistant, moisture resistant and also act as soundproof wall panels. Fibre cement boards are highly multipurpose and their application extends from mezzanine flooring material and drywall partition to being used as a false ceiling for hall. Plus, they are light on your pocket too. You may also consider using MDF or particle boards with a combination of glass. Of course, you can take help of a professional like a carpenter to set it up for you.

Decorate your office

Now that you have done all the important and fundamental part, it’s time to add some fun to your room. You can add more complexity to your office by bringing in typical office things such as a paper holder, a desk calendar, a smart digital/analogue clock, a motivational quote hanging on your wall, a notice board, a pen holder, sticky notes, pins, fancy notepads etc. You can basically add whatever makes you feel good about your work. And voila, your home office is all ready and fully functional! Now go and bask in the glory of that little space you just created for yourself!