How Eaves and Soffit linings add Beauty & Functionality to your Roofs

In areas where it rains or snows, the roofs of residential properties are typically slanted or sloping so as to allow a least resistant path for rain & snow to get off the roof. Not only that, but the slanted structure also protects against overheating due to direct sunlight by providing minimum surface area for the rays to hit. These roofs are not just purposeful but also picturesque at the same time. In India, you will find many towns dotted with houses donning these storybook roofs regardless of the climate. Although there are various components such as decking, saddle, ridge, valley, shingles, etc. that comprise a roofing structure, in this article, we shall discuss two particularly important ones – the Eaves and the Soffit linings.

What are Eaves?

Eaves are the edges of the roof that extend beyond the side of the building and overhang above the building walls. The extension is long enough to throw the water at a distance and keep it from soaking the walls or damaging the exterior wall cladding. Eaves also act as a shade to the building and helps regulate the temperature.

An interesting fact in this relation is about the word “Eavesdropping”. In the olden days, an Eavesdrop was the indentation line made on the ground around a building where the rainwater would be thrown off the Eaves. Anyone standing within that line was said to be close enough to the walls to overhear what went on within the house. Such a person was called an Eavesdropper.

Types of Eaves

There are four basic types of Eaves recognized by present-day architecture:

  1. Exposed: The finished underside of the roof and supporting rafters are visible from underneath.
  2. Boxed-in: Encases the roof rafters but meets the side of the building at the same angle as the roof pitch.
  3. Abbreviated: Cut off almost perpendicular to the side of the building.
  4. With Soffit: The Soffit is paneling that forms the underside of the Eaves, connecting the bottom tip of the Eave with the side of the building at a 90-degree angle.

What are Soffits?

A Soffit lining is what connects the Eaves with the outside wall. Soffits are fixed to the underside of the rafters that are projecting out, attaching the overhanging part of the roof to the side of the property. In the broadest sense of the term, Soffits can refer to the underside of almost anything that’s constructed, including arches and porches.


How Eaves and Soffits work in conjunction to protect your walls

As mentioned earlier, Eaves are meant to throw water at a distance away from the walls. They can be used to redirect water through the downpipe as well. This avoids walls from getting wet and developing molds and fungus. In hotter climates, Eaves provide shade to a part of the structure in general and the attic in particular. But without the presence of Soffits, Eaves can also be used by pigeons to make nests or by bees to build wasps hanging conveniently by the rafters. The exposed rafters and the undersides of the Eaves also become prone to damage by weather. Aesthetically, Soffit is an easy way to add character. It is available in many colors and designs because it can help make the facade of the home more interesting. Hence, Soffits provide a protective and decorative layer. Ventilated Soffits are especially useful to regulate the temperature in the attic.

To make your house roofs aesthetically beautiful and long-lasting, we recommend you only use EcoPro Fibre cement boards. EcoPro Fibre cement boards are robust, light in weight, eco-friendly, and very easy to install. They can be used as both Eaves and Soffit lining and even as fascia. The boards can be cut according to the requirements and be fastened to the roof underside frame using screws. To get in touch with us and see how we can help you, visit our website today!