Drywall as an Interior Partition and Its Benefits - EcoPro

Drywall as an Interior Partition and Its Benefits

Drywall, also known as plasterboard is a panel made of gypsum plaster pressed between two thick sheets of paper or fiber cement sheets. Drywall partition is usually employed to build interior walls. Fiber cement sheet drywall have replaced gypsum based ones due to their environmentally friendly nature.

Drywall can be used as a partition and is the preferred choice of construction for a range of applications, in homes, hotels, hospitals, schools, theaters, and industry. They are strong and robust and can typically last the lifetime of a building unless they are subjected to abuse or alteration. Let us find out why drywalls score better than masonry construct.

Fiber cement sheet walls are extremely durable, Eco-friendly & versatile all at the same time. Apart from being used in the construction of drywall, fibre cement sheet can also be applied in various architectural applications ranging from false ceiling for hall to mezzanine flooring materials.

drywall partition

Quick Installation

Drywalls require less labor and are easier to install as compared to constructing one on the site. Masonry construction of partition wall requires faster completion of the job to make way for electrical wiring and other related tasks. But with drywall, you heavily cut past the process as the electrical services are offered within the system itself, making the process easy and faster.

Dry Construction

Water is an essential material required for any brick & mortar construction. However, since drywalls are pre-constructed, they do not require additional water and can be easily installed.

drywall partition

Lightweight & flexible

Drywalls are 8 to 10 times lighter than masonry walls. Drywalls help subdue a lot of weight on the structure. Such walls are especially useful for high rise structures where not only structural cost is reduced, but also the burden of moving up the heavy material. According to a study, drywalls can save up to 15% of the construction. Being light in weight, they can be easily moved to create customized spaces.

Sound Insulators

Drywalls act as sound absorbing panels preventing the sound transfer from one room to another offering exceptional privacy.

Fire resistant

Drywalls can resist fire for almost 4 hours. It can restrict the movement of fire within a confined area giving enough time for its inhabitants to evacuate the structure.


Lastly, drywalls are a cost-effective alternative to masonry walls that takes time to build.

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