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Why FCB is right material for bathroom

EcoPro Plus Fiber cement board is a versatile building material made using silica, cement, cellulose pulp for reinforcement and additives to enhance properties. It is cured by a special high pressure stream curing process, which makes it stable in all type of environments. It is non- combustible, resistant to permanent water damage and termite resistant making them an ideal choice for internal and external fitout applications.

EcoPro plus comes with a water repellent coating which reduces the absorption of water to a great extent. Due to its resilience against the elements, in particular warping and rotting from heat and moisture. It is these qualities that make EcoPro plus ideal to use in wet areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, laundries and other wet areas.

EcoPro plus available in different texture, cnc design, digital print options. You can choose any of your pattern to make your bathroom beautiful.

How to prevent cracks when screwing?

It is very important to follow guidelines to avoid cracking while screwing. We recommended Fiable anti-corrosion class 2 coating, identified by “F2” head marking for long-lasting installation.

Recommended Screw Types: -

Self Drilling Screws

For all typical screw descriptions, the first figure indicates the gauge of the screw (g), the second figure indicates the threads per inch (TPI), and the third figure indicates the length of the screw (mm).

eg. 10-16x16mm

= 10 gauge, 16 threads per inch, 16mm in length.

The gauge of a screw is determined by the basic size of the thread outside diameter. Standard gauges for screws are 

6 gauge 3.5mm  /  8 gauge 4.2mm /10 gauge 4.8mm/M6 6.0mm
12 gauge 5.5mm / 13 gauge 6.1mm/ 14 gauge 6.3mm 15 gauge 6.5mm 

TPI (Threads per Inch)
The TPI is the number of thread crests that can be counted along a lineal
measurement of 1 inch (25.4mm).

Length of fasteners

Head Styles

Wafer Head
Countersunk Head
Countersunk Ribbed Head

Screwing Process

  • Screws should be placed at no more than 300 mm c/c spacing and not less than 15 mm from the edges and 50mm from the corners.
  • Installation of the screws should be done in a spiral manner. You apply the center screw first and then continue in a spiral manner. If you are using a smaller board where there is no center screw you should start with a screw near the middle of the sheet. You must pre-drill holes in the material before attaching the screws.
  • Do not overtight the screw, over tightening screws will restrict the movement of the panels, which will crack the panels. 
  • The head of the screws should not penetrate the panel. This will cause damage
Follow above guidelines to avoid any cracking problem.

How to eliminate the dust?

The strength and durability of cement board make it a great choice for home improvement projects.
But cutting fibre cement board although challenging.

But with right tools and methods you can cut fibre cement easily and that also without dust.

Wet cutting

Tool to use: – Circular saw -carbide-tipped cutting blade

  • A circular saw is a fairly good tool to use to cut cement board. If you have nothing else on hand, it will do just fine, granted that you follow the right steps and use the proper blade.
  • Using a ruler or a straight edge, mark a visible line using a carpenter’s pencil where you’d like to cut. Ensure you draw this line on the underside of the cement board because this is the side that will face up as you cut through the board.
  • Now cut the board at full speed, to avoid dust use water.

Scoring Knife

  • A scoring knife with carbide tipped is one of the best tools to use for cutting cement board.
  • Using appropriate tools, such as ruler, a T-square, or a long board to mark the line using a carpenter’s pencil or any other suitable marking utensil.
  • Now hold the board tight and then drag the blade along the line, don’t penetrate too deep with the first cut as it might damage the cement board. It is recommended that you make two or three passes to make a long, straight, and precise line.
  • Now turn the board and apply little bit pressure with your knee, and pull the board toward you’re your body. This should cleanly snap the board.


  • Malco TSF2 is fast, accurate and perfect tool to cut fiber cement board

How to do FCB Tiles T Grid Ceiling?

T – Grid ceiling consists of a grid work of metal channels in the shape of an upside-down “T” suspended on wires from the overhead structure. These channels are in a regularly spaced pattern of cells. Each cell is then filled with ECOPRO ceiling tiles, which simply drop into the grid. The grid size is typically 600mm X 600mm. and the ceiling tile is slightly smaller 595mm X 595mm. or 595mm X 1195mm.


  • Mark a false ceiling level on wall or partition as per drawing for indicating where the wall angle will be applied, don’t assume the original ceiling is level.
  • Fasten the wall angle securely at all points. Position the wall angle so that the bottom flange rest on the level line which we mark on the wall. Overlap the wall angle on inside corners of the wall and miter the wall angle on outside corners of the wall.

Perimetric Angle Anchoring in Rigid Wall

Perimetric Angle Anchoring in Rigid Wall
  • Solid masonry
  • Plastic plug
  • Screw
  • Perimeter angle

  • Main tee should always run at right angles to the joists in the room. Locate the position of each main T on all sides of the room at each position where the main T are to be placed.
  • Cut the suspension wire to the proper length. The wire should be 305mm. longer than the distance between old ceiling and the marking. Locate the first suspension wire for each main T directly above the point where the first cross T meets the main T. Be sure the suspension wire is securely fastened. Apply them to the ceiling with screw hooks. Attach a suspension wire at every 4 feet along the level guideline.
ceiling screwing
  • Old Ceiling
  • Plastic plug
  • Screw hook
  • G.I Wire
  • Install the main T so that they are all level with the wall angle already mounted. Install the cross T by inserting the ends of the cross T in to the slots in the main T
  • G.I .Wire
  • Main T
  • Cross T
  • EcoPro
  • Drop the ecopro ceiling boards of size 595mm x 595mm or 1195mm x 595mm,
mezzanine floor increase your warehouse space

How can a mezzanine floor increase your warehouse space?

How can a mezzanine floor increase your warehouse space?

A mezzanine floor is an intermediate floor that is constructed between two existing floors of a structure. Mezzanines can be built in all types of buildings, including residential bungalows and villas, commercial offices and shops, factories, warehouses and other industrial settings. In a warehouse, mezzanine floors are often constructed to maximise space. When a warehouse becomes too small for its function, a solution can be expanding it as a whole. However, this would mean breaking down or renovating the preexisting structures, which would take time and money. However, adding a mezzanine floor can actually expand space in a warehouse without any major structural changes being made. A mezzanine allows the vertical space and high ceiling of a warehouse to be used, so that the goods to be stored may be stacked up to a certain height, thus properly utilising the vertical space present in the structure, while keeping everything else the same. 

What is the advantage of a mezzanine floor?

A mezzanine floor offers a whole host of benefits and advantages, especially when constructed in a warehouse or a similar industrial setting. One of the main functions of a warehouse is storage, either of inventory, raw materials, finished products or even equipment. Adding a mezzanine floor in a warehouse can help increase the storage space of a warehouse and even double it, at times. Constructing a mezzanine helps in adding storage space, without any of the disadvantages of the same. The process is simple, easy to install, easy to remove, and very affordable. A mezzanine can be customised according to the specific needs of that warehouse, thus providing a simple and effective solution at minimum cost and effort. 

What type of mezzanine can you build in a warehouse?

There are various types of mezzanines that can be built in a warehouse, depending upon the needs and budgets. One of the most common types of warehouse mezzanines is the free standing mezzanine, wherein an extra layer of floor space is added for storage. Since these mezzanines have structural columns that are installed within the deck, they do not need external structural components or support, which makes them very convenient. Similarly, there are shelving supported or rack supported mezzanine floors which can also be installed in warehouses to increase storage. In such floors, the existing racks or shelves in a warehouse act as structural support to the deck. These types of mezzanines give maximum extra space since the area under the deck is also utilised. In the end, the type of mezzanine you build in your warehouse would depend heavily on your budget, the existing structure, the amount of extra space you need as well as the products that are being stored there. 

EcoPro Mezzanine Floors

 EcoPro cement fibre boards are the perfect choice for building mezzanine floors in all types of spaces such as commercial complexes, shops, offices, factories, warehouses as well as residential buildings, bungalows and apartments. These easy to use, sturdy and durable boards are cost-effective while also being eco-friendly. They are easy to install and can be customised to fit any space or interior design. Here are some key benefits of EcoPro mezzanine flooring:

  • Versatile and multifunctional 
  • Easy to install
  • Economical 
  • Strong, high quality and durable
  • Heat resistant, fire-retardant and moisture-proof
  • No additional load bearing on building columns
  • High impact and dimensionally stable


Can I build a partition wall over a floor slab without a beam below it

Can I build a partition wall over a floor slab without a beam below it?

What are partition walls?

Partition walls are divisions made of bricks, glass, cement or other such materials that are meant to divide one room into two or more areas. Partition walls are not load bearing, since their main functions differ from load bearing walls. Generally, partition walls are used to provide privacy, to utilise a space more efficiently or for design or aesthetic purposes.

Partition walls can be used in homes as well as other, larger spaces. Many people choose to create partitions in their living rooms in case the space is too big. The living room partition can create a separate dining or sitting area and be functional and trendy at the same time. These walls can also be used in other rooms, such as bedrooms, to create separate spaces for work, study, changing area, etc.

Partition walls are also extremely popular in office or corporate spaces. Similarly, they are used extensively in restaurants and hotels to provide patrons privacy and to make it easier to navigate and divide the area.

Do you need a beam below a floor slab to build a partition wall?

Partition walls can be made from various types of materials, depending on the utility, budget and design of the space in question. Brick, glass, clay block, concrete, strawboard, drywall, plaster, metal, wood are some materials that are often used to construct partition walls.

Nowadays, EcoPro environmentally friendly fibre cement boards are also becoming more and more popular for construction of partition walls. These boards are extremely durable while at the same time being easy to install and shift. This allows you the flexibility of choosing and changing your design and using your space as effectively as possible.

The requirements for the construction of a partition wall can vary depending on the situation. When the materials used for the wall are heavy, then it is recommended that there be a beam below the floor slab on which it is constructed. However, when you use EcoPro boards for building a partition wall, there is no need to have a beam below the floor slab. This is because, despite being durable and sturdy, this material is quite lightweight and therefore does not put too much load on the structure of the room. It is an easy addition to any place, without any prerequisites for installation.

Why use EcoPro fibre cement boards for your partitions?

EcoPro is a revolutionary material that is eco-friendly while also being diverse in its utility. Lightweight, weather-proof, easy to install and affordable, these boards are perfect for use in partition walls in various settings. EcoPro can be used effectively to construct partitions in residential spaces as well as large spaces like hotels, restaurants, offices, etc. Here are some of the benefits of using EcoPro for partition walls:

  • EcoPro boards are robust and durable, which means that the walls will be long lasting and reliable.
  • The fibre cement boards are easy to design, and you can cut various designs and patterns as per the need.
  • They are easy to install, remove and shift from one place to the other, thus keeping the interior flexible.
  • EcoPro boards are water-resistant and weather-resistant, meaning they will be stable and sturdy under any circumstances.
  • These boards also offer thermal insulation and sound-proofing qualities, which can be especially useful for office or restaurant partitions.

How Eaves and Soffit linings add Beauty & Functionality to your Roofs

In areas where it rains or snows, the roofs of residential properties are typically slanted or sloping so as to allow a least resistant path for rain & snow to get off the roof. Not only that, but the slanted structure also protects against overheating due to direct sunlight by providing minimum surface area for the rays to hit. These roofs are not just purposeful but also picturesque at the same time. In India, you will find many towns dotted with houses donning these storybook roofs regardless of the climate. Although there are various components such as decking, saddle, ridge, valley, shingles, etc. that comprise a roofing structure, in this article, we shall discuss two particularly important ones – the Eaves and the Soffit linings.

What are Eaves?

Eaves are the edges of the roof that extend beyond the side of the building and overhang above the building walls. The extension is long enough to throw the water at a distance and keep it from soaking the walls or damaging the exterior wall cladding. Eaves also act as a shade to the building and helps regulate the temperature.

An interesting fact in this relation is about the word “Eavesdropping”. In the olden days, an Eavesdrop was the indentation line made on the ground around a building where the rainwater would be thrown off the Eaves. Anyone standing within that line was said to be close enough to the walls to overhear what went on within the house. Such a person was called an Eavesdropper.

Types of Eaves

There are four basic types of Eaves recognized by present-day architecture:

  1. Exposed: The finished underside of the roof and supporting rafters are visible from underneath.
  2. Boxed-in: Encases the roof rafters but meets the side of the building at the same angle as the roof pitch.
  3. Abbreviated: Cut off almost perpendicular to the side of the building.
  4. With Soffit: The Soffit is paneling that forms the underside of the Eaves, connecting the bottom tip of the Eave with the side of the building at a 90-degree angle.

What are Soffits?

A Soffit lining is what connects the Eaves with the outside wall. Soffits are fixed to the underside of the rafters that are projecting out, attaching the overhanging part of the roof to the side of the property. In the broadest sense of the term, Soffits can refer to the underside of almost anything that’s constructed, including arches and porches.


How Eaves and Soffits work in conjunction to protect your walls

As mentioned earlier, Eaves are meant to throw water at a distance away from the walls. They can be used to redirect water through the downpipe as well. This avoids walls from getting wet and developing molds and fungus. In hotter climates, Eaves provide shade to a part of the structure in general and the attic in particular. But without the presence of Soffits, Eaves can also be used by pigeons to make nests or by bees to build wasps hanging conveniently by the rafters. The exposed rafters and the undersides of the Eaves also become prone to damage by weather. Aesthetically, Soffit is an easy way to add character. It is available in many colors and designs because it can help make the facade of the home more interesting. Hence, Soffits provide a protective and decorative layer. Ventilated Soffits are especially useful to regulate the temperature in the attic.

To make your house roofs aesthetically beautiful and long-lasting, we recommend you only use EcoPro Fibre cement boards. EcoPro Fibre cement boards are robust, light in weight, eco-friendly, and very easy to install. They can be used as both Eaves and Soffit lining and even as fascia. The boards can be cut according to the requirements and be fastened to the roof underside frame using screws. To get in touch with us and see how we can help you, visit our website today!

sound absorbing panels

Simple & Cost-effective Ways to Improve Conference Room Acoustics

As if conducting a presentation in the meeting room is not challenging enough, noise disruptions and an echo of your own voice can just make things even more miserable. Sound pollution in meeting rooms is a real issue but is seldom given the importance it actually deserves. Ambient noise beyond a limit becomes a nuisance at work affecting focus and productivity. When it’s the meeting room, it affects interviews, presentations, deals with your clients, and even some important conference calls. Your integrity is also at risk when your walls can leak out critical information. The last thing you want is to lose a client just because you could not hold a decent conversation. To avoid such uncalled occurrences, here are some ways you can soundproof your conference room and improve sound acoustics in your workplace.

Where’s all the noise coming from?

The causes of poor room acoustics can be many

  • It could be an outside noise coming through the windows or other areas of your office
  • It could be a reflection from glass doors, whiteboards, or large screens
  • It could be a reverberation from the roof, the walls & the floor or it could be a combination of any or all of these and more.

So the first thing to do is to identify the cause of echo and then work on it. In order to completely address both outside noise and reverberation inside the room, you’ll need a combination of soundproofing, sound masking, and sound-absorbing solutions.

Sound Proofing, Sound Masking, and Sound Absorption

Soundproofing is done to contain the sound within the room, sound masking is done to camouflage an existing sound with white noise, while sound absorption traps the background noise & filters out a clear sound. Here is how you can use all these in tandem to produce a clearer sound and trap unwanted noise facilitating a crisp & clear communication.

  • Soundproof your drywalls – Installing sound-absorbing panels such as those made from EcoPro Fibre cement boards with the help of Rockwool can absorb the unwanted noise and produce a soft sound.
  • Use heavy curtains – Curtains can improve the sound quality in a room especially the ones made with heavy vinyl that block and contain sound.
  • Use sound-absorbing material for ceiling – Acoustical ceiling tile is one of the most effective sound-absorbing solutions. If your conference room has a drop ceiling and an open rather than ducted air return system, consider EcoPro false ceiling boards for ceiling tiles instead.
  • Install acoustic wall partitions – A partition wall is lightweight, easy to install, easy to move around, and works like baffles for the ground instead of the ceiling.
  • Add a layer of acoustic foam – Foams do a great job at absorbing sound but are not aesthetically very pleasing as compared to other options. It can be attached to ceilings or walls.
  • Lay thick carpets and rugs on the floor- Carpets made for offices are one of the best sound absorbers, but they also tend to absorb other things like coffee and snacks. Also, they make moving around the chair a little resistive. However, the thinner & denser versions are a great fit for meeting rooms.

We are sure the above solutions would work as a silent spell and add a zen appeal to your conference room. If you are looking for acoustical wall panels, wall partitions, and roofs, the EcoPro Fibre cement boards provide the perfect long term solutions. To discuss your prospects, contact EcoPro, today!

Modular Construction - Energy Efficient and Accurate Alternative to Brick & Mortar

Modular Construction – Energy Efficient and Accurate Alternative to Brick & Mortar

With technological advancement and the innovations in modern equipment, the construction industry has come a long way with reduced build times and optimised cost. One such example is modular construction. It is increasingly finding its place as a viable alternative to traditional construction process, and that too, with better quality, strength and durability. The conventional process is not only labour-intensive and costly but also poses multiple risks in terms of project deliverability, safety, productivity and supply chain efficiencies.  On the other hand, Modular construction is much faster & efficient and takes only up to half the amount of time usually required for on-site construction. Since most of these units are built offsite, all that’s left is delivering the modules and installing them in place, along with finishing touches like wiring, plumbing, painting, etc.

Fibre cement boards are one of the innovations in modular prefabricated construction. Made of fibre reinforced with cement, the material is even stronger than concrete. Together with a carefully planned production process, fibre cement makes it possible to develop strong and long lasting construction materials. The fibre cement board is a cost effective and time saving solution for construction of dry walls. It has all the advantages of masonry wall with added qualities for preferred construction.

Fibre cement boards are easy to install and prove to be a better substitute for conventional walls and any even other dry walls solutions. They are eco-friendly which make the prefabricated structures safe and comfortable to live. They act as sound absorbing panels providing conducive work environment and are also ideal for use in residential constructions like false ceiling for hall, rooftop extensions, storage rooms, exterior wall cladding, sentry post, cottages, farm house, site-offices and many others. Other commercial applications include offices, labors quarters, transit camps rehabilitation centers, schools, health care centers, kiosks, etc. The list is endless. Let us see what benefits fibre cement sheets in particular and modular construction in general has.

Also Read: Set up A Quick & Eco-Friendly Fibre Cement House With EcoPro

The Benefits of Modular Construction

Reduced Construction Time

As stated earlier, modular projects can be completed in only up to half the time as traditional construction projects. This means that the speed of constructing a modular building is doubled as compared to the traditional methods. With modular construction, the traditional steps like site foundation work can be done simultaneously with the modular units being constructed in the factory.  Units like walls and ceilings, which are simply sheets to be aligned together, can directly be transported to the site and assembled on the spot.

Saves Labor Cost

Modular units are stacked like lego blocks to form one whole unit or building. Off-site construction allows work to be done in a controlled environment, causing fewer headaches and higher efficiency. Since modular construction is performed in controlled conditions, much of the labor comes from skilled factory workers who can produce more than on-site construction crews and tradesmen, at a lower cost. This efficiency and labor cost savings can save money on the project, as a whole.

Uniform Quality Materials Means Longer Life

Factory made pieces mean no more relying on the contractor to ensure proper construction. Controlled construction ensures consistency and quality. Building materials are safe, away from moisture or the elements—meaning that the materials are at their peak quality.

Little to No Impact on Current Business

Modular construction removes about 80% of construction activity from the site. So if you’re expanding your business, you don’t have to be concerned about construction negatively impacting your place of work.

If you are impressed by the prospect of modular construction and are looking to integrate Fibre cement elements into your building, contact EcoPro now on or +91 20 2645 8888!

Duct Covering & Exterior Wall Claddings using Fibre cement sheets

Growing Importance of Duct Covering & Exterior Wall Claddings in Modern Buildings

Every building structure requires a devoted space to run its electrical wirings, plumbing pipes, and HVAC lines. Some buildings have a separate internal void where they channel all the pipes and lines while others have it in the front of the building, unfettered by the glances of its inhabitants. More often than not, these lines are clearly visible on buildings and apartments, especially the older constructions. As important & functional as these ducts may be, nobody really wants these unsightly lines obstructing the architecture of their otherwise plush buildings and beautifully designed homes. Hence, many home-owners and architects frequently opt for aesthetically designed duct coverings that strategically cover the empty duct space, hiding all the unwanted views while also simultaneously amplifying the beauty of the structure – hitting two birds with one stone!

Treading a step ahead on a similar path, there’s exterior wall cladding. What duct covering is for ducts, Exterior walls claddings are for the entire building or at least the most prominent part of it. While Duct coverings primarily serve as a functional addition to the building structure, Exterior wall claddings are preferred more for their aesthetic value. Cladding serves many purposes such as creating a controlled internal environment, as a partition wall protecting the building from external conditions, preventing the transmission of sound, providing thermal insulation, and more visibly, significantly improving or changing the appearance of buildings. Though cladding is merged with the primary face of the structure, it does not contribute to the stability on the whole. Regardless, it does play a structural role transferring wind loads, impact loads, and its own weight back to the structure which implies that an ample amount of strength is required both within the cladding system and its joineries for the primary face to ensure that it does not crumble under wind load pressures.

Fibre Cement – the perfect material for Duct Coverings & Exterior Wall Claddings

Fibre cement is a remarkable invention that is light in weight, contains No VOC/ No Formaldehyde and is an A1 non-combustible weather proof building board. EcoPro fibre cement boards are manufactured using a homogeneous mixture of cement, pozolana, superior grade of cellulose fibre and binders of a siliceous base. The cement plays the role of a hydraulic fibre while fibres increase the flexibility of EcoPro boards. The product’s strength is further augmented by the combination of cement and quartz matrix. It is highly resistant to various elements of nature such as fire, moisture, and snow and also inhibits the growth of mold & mildew.  Not just that, fibre cement boards act as sound-absorbing panels killing all the unwanted echoes, thereby maintaining the ambient noise.

As a duct covering, it not only obstructs the view of all the unpleasant lines running over the building surface but also does so in various designs. As an external wall cladding, it beautifies the structure and protects the building surface from all external elements. It mimics natural elements such as wood and gives an uncanny resemblance to it. Hence, you get a well-concealed structure which also looks premium.

Having an external structure such as duct covers and external cladding can significantly influence the value, saleability, and safety of the building. It increases the life of your structure and keeps it new for a prolonged duration. Certainly then, cladding & covering your property effectively is a wise investment that pays both short and longer-term dividends.  If you think you are ready to invest in new cladding or are not completely sure about your options, simply contact EcoPro, the leading manufacturer of eco-friendly fibre cement boards used in cladding, mezzanine flooring, false ceiling board, and various other applications.